Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sour WarHeads

So I was talking to Zach, and this convo gave me an idea to write a post on my blog.

Zach: "So you know those little sour warhead candies?"
Me: "Um...yes?"
Zach: "They make great pick-me-ups."
Me: "How so?"
Zach: "I wanna get the powder that they coat them in...cause that's the only sour part. Once you get past the sour outer layer, it's just a normal candy."
So I thought, isn't life kinda like that? Maybe life is like a sour warhead candy. It's covered in a sour outer layer, and though it may be difficult to get through without scrunching up our life (like how you'd scrunch your face when you eat the sour part), it's chewable and in the end it leaves the normal inner layer. And even though we're covered, with trials (the sour layer), we're able to get through it. Some people enjoy the sour part. Think of it like this--let us thank God for our trials and sour layers! They're tests of our faith and trust in the Lord to bring us through and love Him no matter what.

It's kind of a weird analogy, but that was almost my instant thought when Zach said what he did. Yeah. I have a weird mind.


  1. Interesting =D (Btw I think Zach and I have had a conversation like that before, haha!)

  2. I was never a big fan of the sour warheads myself. :) But, great illustration. Kudos. :)

  3. I don't really it them much, either.
    Thanks :)
